Imray G23 Marmara Denizi
| Námořní mapy | Středozemní moře | Řecko, Turecko
mapa středozemního moře
Námořní mapy |
Středozemní moře |
Řecko, Turecko
Značka: Imray
Dostupnost: dotaz na dostupnost
mapa středozemního moře
1:275,000 WGS 84
Edition date 2018
Printed and corrected to August 2018
Plans included:
Türkeli & Pasalimani Islands (1:100 000)
Istanbul (1:45 000)
Princes Islands (1:60 000)
Approaches to Pendik (1:30 000)
On this 2018 edition the chart specification has been improved to show coloured light flashes. Various completed harbour works are included. Depths have been updated from the latest surveys where available. The latest firing practice areas are included. There has been general updating throughout.