Imray C25 Harwich to River Humber and Holland
| Námořní mapy | Severozápadní Evropa | Nezařazené
Imray C25 Harwich to River Humber and Holland
Námořní mapy |
Severozápadní Evropa |
Značka: Imray
Dostupnost: dotaz na dostupnost
Scale: 1:340,000 WGS 84
Plans included:
Oudeschild (1:15,000)
Den Helder (1:21,000)
IJmuiden (1:35,000)
Scheveningen (1:10,000)
The 2013 edition of this chart shows full details of the new and improved routeing measures off the coast of the Netherlands, as implemented on 1st August 2013.